Looking for- Venosaur Ex, Mewtwo Ex, Celebi Ex, Pidgeot Ex
Have to trade- Exegggutor Ex, Machamp Ex, Marowak Ex
Friend Id- 0135063688612395
I will give you Wigglytuff EX for Exeggutor EX
I'll offer my Moltres for your Charizard, and I have sent a request
can do starmie for celebi I added ranger is my user
I'm not seeing you added as my friend! What is your ID ?
I sent it over!
Hello! Looking for a Flareon.
Please tell me what you would like :)
My Trainer ID is: 5958079267745284
In need of Yanmega EX
Can offer: Infernape EX, Dialga EX, Pidgeot EX, Mew EX, Gyrados EX, Articuno EX, Starmie EX, Blastoise EX, Charizard EX, Gallade EX
Friend ID: 4657814379325762
@MonstarBupkus Thank you for the trade