Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
♦️♦️♦️ TRADE
LOOKING FOR Heatran (#120) or Empoleon (#37) both from Space-Time Smackdown
OFFERING any 3♦️from Genetic Apex or Mythical Island. Ask about any specific Space-Time 3♦️.
♦️♦️♦️♦️ TRADE:
LOOKING FOR Infernape EX (#29), Palkia EX (#49), Weavile EX (#99) or Darkrai EX (#110) from Space-Time Smackdown
Tell me what you need…
Trainer ID: 5152652800657322
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Weavile for Yanmega?
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Do you have Yanmega EX that you want to trade for Infernape EX?
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@Porch7777777 I have lum berry. Need mars, staraptor, manaphy, vespiqueen, piloswine, shieldon, gabite. Add me 3302754657623980 !!
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@Reflexsurfer added you! Gastrodon for Manaphy?
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Looking for
Blastoise EX, Darkrai EX, Gallade EX
GA Pidgeot 3diamond
Can trade Infernape EX, Weavile EX or just tell what you need.
Id: 5454-9731-0384-87160