Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Sorry, totally blanked on the trade when I saw it this morning lol. just re-sent vaporeon for magneton
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Hi All!
Looking For:4 ♦️ Palkia Ex
3♦️Rhyperior and Luxray
4♦️ Yanmega Ex, Darkrai Ex, Exeggutor Ex, Charizard Ex, Machamp Ex and Zapdos Ex
Lmk which 3♦️if interested
Thank you!
ID: 04452672208118560 -
I can do zapdos for weavile
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awesome sent you the trade!
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I have 3♦️Rhyperior and Luxray.
Do you have any of these?:
Genetic Apex:♦️♦️♦️
Vileplume (#13)
Moltres (#46)
Blastoise (#55)
Gyarados (#78)
Vaporeon (#80)
Raichu (#95)
Machamp (#145)
Dragonite (#185)
Ditto (#205)
Snorlax (#211)Space Time Smackdown:
Empoleon (#37)
Giratina (#78)
Rampardos (#89)1 -
Still up for the trade?