Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi people! Reposting this because I forgot to put on which cards I had for trade hahaha
Genetic Apex:
Looking for:
⧫⧫⧫⧫: Pikachu EX
★: Charmander, Diglett, Porygon
For trade:
⧫⧫⧫⧫: Marowak EX, Machamp EX, Mewtwo EX, Gengar EX, Articuno EX, Blastoise EX,
★: Eevee, Pidgeot, Meowth, Golbat, Alakazam, Nidoking, Lapras, Squirtle, Gloom
Mythical Island
Looking for:
⧫⧫⧫⧫: Celebi EX, Gyrados EX, Pidgeot EX
★: Exeggutor, Serperior, Marshadow
For Trade:
⧫⧫⧫⧫: Aerodactyl EX
★: Salandit, Vaporeon
Space-time Smackdown
Looking for:
⧫⧫⧫⧫: Infernape EX, Palkia EX, Mismagius EX, Dialga EX,
★: Combee, Tangrowth, Giratina, Spiritomb, Lucario, Shinx, Manaphy, Carnivine
For Trade:
⧫⧫⧫⧫: Pachirisu EX, Yanmega EX,
★: Shaymin, Mesprit, Heatram
My ID: 2435818695662194
Thank you!
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Hi mate, i need Yanmega ex, do you want to trade it for Dialga Ex? :)
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Looking for 3<> Vaporeon (GA), Pidgeot(GA), and Snorlax(GA). I have most 3<> available for trade, let me know what you want. Thanks.
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Not sure if my previous comment went through, but just in case, I’m currently offering you an Empoleon in the App right now. Wish for a Leafon if alright.
Search Central
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@Astrothndr sure!!! I will start the trade!
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Hi again, sorry for the late reply i guess we‘re in very different time zones.
You probably have the Aerodactyl you need already? I also wasn‘t sure anymore if the one i wanted to offer you was the right one since there are multiple EXs in the deck?
Sorry i just started playing yesterday so i‘m still learning haha.
Anyways, hope you found it :)