TCG Live is unplayable

The game threw a connection error and then wouldn't let me take my turns, while the opponent could play without issues. This had never happened to me exactly like this before. There have always been bugs, for example, when using Erin, which doesn't allow you to discard the opponent's items, causing losses because of it. In this case, I don't know if it's a bug or a hack. The player I experienced this against was [Edited by Mod_Bee - Please don't name anyone]
I've lost due inactivity.
First ranked match on this new ladder.
Its definetly a bug. There arent many people straight up hacking ptcgl
The game has been a mess since the newest update, i had the same exact thing happen to me my first game on. Then when i was finally able to play a game, my dragapult attack would only put 5 damage counters out instead of 6, or sometimes none at all
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Hello, @UMadBra! Thank you for bringing this to our attention. We understand your concerns with encountering connection errors causing game play issues. Please submit a support ticket so our team can investigate the connection error and your experience with Erin. To submit a ticket, visit, select the Pokémon Trading Card Game Live link, and click "Contact Us." Thank you!