Archaludon energy attach bug

Whenever I evolve duraludon into Archaludon I cant attach the energy to my metal type pokemon. I always ends up going on time and auto attaching the active pokemon. Does anyone else have this problem.
I have that too
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This bug its been about a week ago
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I also have this problem. No matter which place the Duraludon is in when it evolves, the energy selected can not be moved to the Pokémon of your choice. Instead, the player is forced to watch in horror as their active Pokémon receives the energy intended for the bench.
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Same here!
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same issue, I’ve heard it’s just in acceleration from the discard effects in general - had the same thing happen with magneton’s ability.
I’d try it with Gardevoir ex to see if it’s there too but who has that much time to throw away0 -
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