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Mimikyu vs Cornerstone Oggerpon

Was just in a game and a Mimikyu was able to deal attack damage to my Cornerstone Ogerpon even though it has an ability. How is this possible?


  • TeamAbra87
    TeamAbra87 Member Posts: 6
    First Comment 5 Agrees First Anniversary

    Mimikyu deals damage counters, rather than damage. Damage counters get through things like Cornerstone's ability.

    Other cards that deal damage counters include Dragapult ex and LOR Sableye. It's kind of a confusing distinction.

  • Xeze
    Xeze Member Posts: 1
    First Comment Photogenic

    That's because Mimikyu's attack doesn't deal damage, it places 7 damage counters as an effect of the attack. Cornerstone Ogerpon's ability only prevents damage from attacks, not effects.