Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hey! My dawn for your surge?
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I assume you mean 3 diamond Magneton. Would you offer Kangaskhan for it? Feel free to add me: 3061479798626457 (paranix).
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I need
3 Diamonds: Articuno; Eelektross; Gardevoir; Butterfree; Omastar; Hypno
4 Diamonds: Aerodactyl EX
I can offer
3 Diamonds: Mewtwo; Beedrill; Vileplume; Moltres; Golem (Misterious Island); Machamp; Muk; Venusaur; Charizard; Vaporeon; Gyarados; Alakazam; Gengar; Marshadow
4 Diamonds: Charizard EX; Blastoise EX; Moltres EX; Articuno EX; Celebi EX; Gyarados EX
Let me know if you're interested
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I need
3 Diamonds: Articuno; Eelektross; Butterfree; Omastar; Hypno
4 Diamonds: Aerodactyl EX
I can offer
3 Diamonds: Mewtwo; Beedrill; Vileplume; Moltres; Golem (Misterious Island); Machamp; Muk; Venusaur; Charizard; Vaporeon; Gyarados; Alakazam; Gengar; Marshadow; Raichu (Misterious Island); Tauros (Misterious Island); Lapras
4 Diamonds: Charizard EX; Blastoise EX; Moltres EX; Articuno EX; Celebi EX; Gyarados EX
Let me know if you're interested
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Looking to complete the two Sets.
Friend ID: 3061479798626457 (paranix)
Looking for:
◇◇◇: Arcanine, Nidoking, Kangaskhan
◇◇◇◇: Wigglytuff ex, Mew ex
Offering / available:
◇◇◇: Exeggutor, Mewtwo, Golem, Nidoqueen, Pidgeot, Mew, Tauros
◇◇◇◇: Charizard ex, Blastoise ex, Marowak ex
☆: Bulbasaur, Slowpoke, Nidoking (open for offers)