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Feraligatr is able to use Croconaws Move

Greetings, recently had a game where a player kept switching their pokemon out to bring Feraligator as their active and then they would use Reverse Thrust which is a move that Croconaw has not Feraligatr. There were no tools attached that allowed it to use another pokemons ability. Id post a screenshot of the battle log but theres no option to do so.


  • ProfessorF151
    ProfessorF151 Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    If they have Relicanth on the bench, its ability allows pokemon to use the attacks of their previous evolutions. That what makes the Feraligator deck worth playing.
    Archaludon decks often play Relicanth as well.

  • DaylarFarshot
    DaylarFarshot Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    Thank you, didnt even notice that ability. Much appreciated.