Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Willing to trade wigglytuff ex for a pikachu ex
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Willing to trade gardevoir for vaporeon (mythical island)
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Willing to trade gardevoir for vaporeon (mythical island)
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Trainer ID: 8612-8525-4732-94090 -
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Id: 8612-8525-4732-94090 -
Looking for a Pidgeot. I've got a lot of duplicate cards so let me know what you need and I'll check if I've got a spare.
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looking for a few cards
Genetic apex: 020 Victreebell, 035 Charizard, 045 Flareon, 055 Blastoise, 104 zapdos ex, 153 Marowack ex
Mythical island: 003 Celebi ex, 019 Vaporeon, 046 Areodactyl ex, 047 Marshadow, 048 Stonjornor
Have multiples of most others so let me know what you want. Exs to trade I have venasore, blastoise, exegutor, arcananine, gengar, machamp, wigglytuff. Friend code 61453373695974960