Add news reactions suggestions

Hi Team,
I would like to praise my opponents. Thumb up or happy face are more for self directed. Clap or bow will be more clear to show respect to my opponent move or whole game before the last attack.
The same situation is with the poses/celebrations after match. I would like to show more respect to my opponents.
This is a very good suggestion. Right now there is no way to emote without it coming off as sarcastic or mean-spirited. I didn't understand why people were giving me a thumbs up after they were about to win the game until someone in the PTCGL subreddit told me it was supposed to mean 'Good Game.'
If there can be short pre-determined phrases that can be used instead of just over-the-top emotional expressions, it will go a long way to communicating authentically and respectfully. I think clap and bow are great emotes to add, but won't be enough when someone decides to spam it without context.
We don't need to invite toxicity via a fully-fledged chat, but short pre-loaded phrases will work way better than those Pixar-esque animated emotes.
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I rarely use reactions, when I do it’s because my opponent plays a Marnie when my hand is garbage so I thumbs up them
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@noriLOXic PTCG online had pre-loaded phrases and still had problems with toxicity.
For example, one option was "you have a good deck" which obviously wasn't meant to be offensive, but eventually became synonym for "i hate you for playing that deck".
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100% agree....emotes currently are inappropriate at best most of the time.
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The end game animations are completely disrespectful and against the spirit of the game. I wonder if the designers and devs actually play this game in real life. They should know that is never how you would treat your opponent.
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Please, remove the in-game emote spamming from the app. or otherwise make a way for they can turned off.
I have encountered a lot of disrespectful rivals that are all the game spamming the thumbs down and cutthroat emotes.
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In PTCG Online you can disable the opponent phrases when they are being annoying, and also blacklist them. I see no reason to not implement the same in PTCG Live.