Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hi everyone, I'm out of currency for now, so I can only trade these ones.
Cards I can give:
2 diamonds:
Almost anything
3 diamonds:
Golem (Mew)
Melmetal (Charizard)
Alakazam (Charizard)
Blastoise (Pikachu)
Butterfree (Pikachu)
Volcarona (Mew)
Muk (Mewtwo)
Mewtwo (Mewtwo)
4 diamonds:
Mewtwo EX (Mewtwo)
I need:
2 diamonds:
Parasect (Pikachu)
Dewgong (Pikachu)
Electrode (Pikachu)
Elektrik (Mewtwo)
Mr Mime (Mewtwo)
Koga (Mewtwo)
Frogadier (Charizard)
Kadabra (Charizard)
Kabuto (Charizard)
3 diamonds:
Mew (Mew)
Name: tomato_tomati Friend ID: 9230-5783-8437-33810 -
Looking for 2 magneton from genetic apex Pikachu pack #98.
Can offer a variety in exchange. Send a message if you are interested and if you're interested in something special!
ID: 0478-5733-1004-25910 -
I can trade you a 1 star Porygon or Golbat for a 1 star Diglett!
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@Ggothmogg I added you, just send the zapdos my way if you still want Blastoise!
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Looking for 1 star Meowth or Weezing.
I have Gloom, Charamander, Slowpoke, Cubone, Ditto, Nidoqueen, Nidoking, and Porygon for trade!0