What Timezone is the Maintenance done?

What time zone is Pokemon TCGL maintenance done in? It states 0800 to 1600 but I am not sure what times does this mean. Anyone know?
Exactly! Why didnt they mention the time zone? Also 8 hours !? Did they factor this in to the battle pass time? Will there be an extension? Damn im close to reaching lvl 30. Just need a little bit more time before the update and new Battle pass uguadbfoeaknf!
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Hooray after last week's maintenance which was either early because of PDT or right on time if it was UTC.
Today was back to PDT.
But they fixed Ting Lu and Spiritomb! Hooray! And it only took 2 weeks. Slow clap for the devs on the hotfix. Now I can go back to playing my favorite PE deck.
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How have they not added time zones yet?
How are users supposed to know when updates are?
Why is this company like this??
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Please put the timezone in the maintainence comment! Not all players are in the same timezone as dev's. The usual assumption if no timezone is the time is universal coordinated time (UTC) but it isn't, meaning players can't easily work out when they can play.
Not a hard fix.
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Congratulations on the adding time zones to the maintenance schedule. I hope this is a sign of things to come.
I look forward to seeing more updates from PTCGL.