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Smileys/emotes in game

CaptLaggy Member Posts: 2
Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic


It would be nice to have smileys or emotes reaction feature while dueling versus someone.

I often want to give to my opponnents a reaction of how I feel when he/she puts a card or when I do it.

Just an opinion, maybe I am not the only one ^^


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    No, emotes have a tendency to be annoying. They are often spammed or used sarcastically to mock the opponent.

    If we are going to have player communication at all, I would rather have full on communication, either voice or text.

    Unfortunately, there will be a portion of the population that use it to simply troll or insult their opponents. Plus, this is an app that appeals to younger players, and they need to be protected from bad actors.

    All of this necessitates heavy moderation, either by AI and text censoring, or a report system with a human moderation team. Probably both. I doubt the developers want to bother with the trouble, expense and potential for PR disaster if any of it fails.

    So in short, since we cannot have true communication between players, I would rather not have players spamming smiley faces or "Good Job" emotes at me every time my Pokémon gets knocked out.

    All or nothing, and we can't have all, so I prefer nothing.

  • Octowen
    Octowen Member Posts: 710 ✭✭✭✭
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    That's a good point. Some sort of cooldown system could be devised, but at that point this concept is rapidly becoming more trouble than it's really worth, considering that it doesn't do anything to directly enhance gameplay, and like you said, it's pretty much an all or nothing situation.

  • L_LostWord
    L_LostWord Member Posts: 246 ✭✭✭
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    Never played the mobile TCG but I can imagine people spamming emotes and "teasing" like that is almost like the people I go against in master league battles in Pokémon GO. I can't seem to get even a good team, I've had Togekiss and Chandelure in all my teams but have been swapping the 3rd member between Kyurem, Nihilego, and Gyarados when type matchups aren't going good, the second I take Nihilego out someone puts a fairy-type in their team. So I understand, because people have been using unfair strategies, and I learned from the Ultra League that if I'm going against Giratina or someone with its wings then I'm in danger.

  • CaptLaggy
    CaptLaggy Member Posts: 2
    Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic

    Fair enough answer.

    Maybe if we could send texts to our friend's list could be quite nice at least.

    I dont know whats the point to send a friend request to strangers just to like their showcase. If we cannot text them to trade some cards or duel again this function is not well usefull in my point of view.

    Could be some abuses too but with the Block option that can be limitated.

    Thanks for your opinion.

  • Dr4zhar
    Dr4zhar Member Posts: 29
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    I don't think it's a good idea. In my experience with card games (which is decent), emotes would be used exclusively to taunt and mock the opponent. You would almost never see them used appropriately.

  • OneHotWizard
    OneHotWizard Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    They could include a toggle to hide emote communications if you feel they are being used to mock. I think it's better to have some communication rather than none. I would love an opportunity to apologize to opponents when I accidentally prolong a win or do other "bad mannered" play without realizing it until it's too late. Or just to genuinely say "nice play" when somebody does something clever.