Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
okay I have added you my account name is Acoríris
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I am so sorry i did misundertand your trading request, i’ll trade you an hypno for a muk
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hello i would like to trade you the hypno for a muk
My ID: 4835631123899475
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Haven't got a spare mewtoo ex but I can give you a Gyrados Ex for a machamp
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hi i can trade you kanghaskan for a muk
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Moltres Ex #47
Zapdos #103
Machamp #145
Golem #149
Wigglytuff Ex #195
Can tradeCharizard/Blastoise/Pikachu/Machamp Ex
Ditto/Kansaghan/Pidgeot/Kabutops/Alakazam/ Jolteon/Magneton/Omastar/Vaporeon/ Lapras/Poliwrath/Blastoise/Moltres/Flareon /Arcanine/Beedrill
friend Id 68791327600110050