Card Trading Pokemon TCG Pocket
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I can trade you a Marowak. Have only 1 Dewgong. And yes i'm still looking for these 2. Added. If you want i can trade you 2 Marowak's
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Looking for 1 star: Spiritomb
Can offer 1 star: Exeggutor, Vaporeon, serperior, Dedenne, Mespirit, Lucario
Player ID: 7243678229073613
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You can't trade cards from the newest boosters.
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I need:
♦♦♦: Genes Formidables: golem, hypno, greninja.
I have:
♦♦♦: Genes Formidables: pidgeot, beedrill, flareon, vileplume, moltres, articuno, ditto, venusaur, gyarados, vaporeon, zapdos, snorlax,
♦♦♦: La Isla Singular: serperior, volcarona, vaporeon, mew, golem, marshadow.