Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Hello There
From 4 Diamonds:
i need —> Venusaur ex A1 #004 ,Mewtwo exA1 #129and Charizard ex A1 #036
i can offer —> Machamp ex A1 #146, Marowak ex A1 #153, Celebi ex A1a #003(Mythical Island), Mew ex A1a #032,Pidgeot exA1a #059From 3 Diamonds:
i need —> Arcanine A1 #040, Lapras A1 #079, Greninja A1 #089, Machamp A1 #145, Melmetal A1 #182, Ditto A1 #205
i can offer —> Exeggutor A1 #022, Gyarados A1 #078, Raichu A1 #095, Jolteon A1 #102, Alakazam A1 #117, Serperior A1a #006, Vaporeon A1a #019, Raichu A1a #026, Mew A1a #031, Golem A1a #045, Tauros A1a #060
Also i need a 2 Diamond Brock , if you have it tell me what you need in exchange
My Friend ID is: 8369-3307-7696-21101 -
I'm looking for the following:
1x Darkrai ex (any version)
1x Cyrus
2x Magneton (Genetic Apex)
Have for trade:
2x Gengar ex
1x Gallade ex
1x Marrowak ex
1x Venosaur ex
1x Giovanni
2x Budding Explorer
2x Cynthia
Full-art Rapidash
Full-art Serprior
Full-art Ditto
Full-art Vaporeon
Friend ID: 0678500967963456