Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
#230 Gold Star Charmander, #233 Gold Star Gyarados, and #239 Gold Star Cubone
I have the gold star ranks of: Gloom, Pinsir, Squirtle, Alakazam, Meowth, Ditto, Eevee, Porygon, and SnorlaxTrainer ID: 8292528544186482
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I just got a pikachu and gyarados from trade for wigglytuff and mewtwo. So if you have something else I can still trade for my machamp
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(4D) LF: Celebi EX
(4D) Trading: Marowak EX, Wigglytuff EX, Mew EX
(3D) LF (all genetic apex): Venusaur, Exeggutor, Blastoise, Lapras, Jolteon, Zapdos, Gengar, Hypno, Golem, Nidoking, Muk, Weezing, Aerodactyl
(3D) Trading: Volcarona, Marshadow, Serperior, Ditto, Mewtwo, Alakazam, Elektross, Raichu, Articuno, Moltres, Flareon, Beedrill