I'm looking for Exeggutor Ex and Dialga Ex.
I do have :
My friend ID : 0703555422293653
I'll do exeggutor ex for palkia ex! mine is 8374448478549828
Excellent! Just sent a friend request!
accepted!! Also if you have 2 Moltres EX, i have a machamp ex too
LF: Celebi EX, Moltres EX
I can offer: Exeggutor EX, Machamp EX, Charizard EX, Gallade EX
My id is: 2832218955453916
In game Name : Edacious
Friend Code : 1762928097450124
Looking for Genetic Apex Butterfree card #7 will trade whatever you need and Genetic Apex Pikachu EX card #96
Can trade Charizard ex, arcanine ex, articuno ex, zapdos ex, gengar ex, aerodactyl ex, pidgeot ex
LF: Machoke X2
I have a lot of cards of the rarity, lemme know what you need
I can trade magneton for the butterfree!
1762928097450124 friend code. If you still need it.
H! I need exeggutor Ex!
I give u Celebi