What is this pile of crap?

Fine the interface works.... Sometimes, windows is bad, mobile is worse. I go into matches where most people disconnect, do not start blaming your users' connection, maybe look at your devs doing a bad job, and get rid of your bad apples. At least 2 out of 10 of my games just glitch out or stops working, restart and take the L. I have played knock-offs better than this s#!t show, speaking of which, I will continue doing that
Totally agree. I also reckon there's algorithms. Me and some others have noticed. Every second day you will draw extremely well and win a majority of coin flips. Every other day totally opposite. No in between. Ya know, when it actually works. But don't worry I'm sure they'll restart the servers soon and change absolutely nothing. Be surprised if this comment even comes through. They don't even approve my threads anymore.
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Speaking of, not sure if anyone noticed, but before the coin flip is even done you can select to go first or second before the coin ever gets flipped, this means the flip has been pre determined on who wins the flip.
By algorithms if you mean flawed RNG, I agree, even though randomness isn't truly random you can have rules (algorithm), in place to ensure there is a percentage relation based on your deck. I would fire the development team and get the community involved into helping (with compensation), that would mean less knock-offs and ensure a quality product.
If this carries on and they can't even surpass the BETA benchmark, this game will be a dud, not that it will stop them from creating more crap
PS. I am happy to see your comment being approved😅
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I understand how it works, but at least add some mystery to it, before the game starts I can already tell who will go first, its not as much of an issue, but when I do development, the tiniest detail is tended to. If you let slide, even a small detail like a coin flip, and then something small like variables showing onload and so on and so on, you sit with a pile of crap that is unplayable and too big to fix later on in development that will just make it easier to scrap the project and start it from scratch, which will inevitably happen in this case.
If it is just an animation, why not play it first and then let the user choose, why have the animation at all if this is the case? That way 30 seconds to a minute of time waste will be avoided. Its like having a intro scene to a game every time you start up the game, its unnecessary and annoying.
Why not include a physics engine? Do they not have the resources or are the devs just incapable?
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Agree 100% with OP. The game is bad and it just keeps freezing up and the only option is to concede. @Hyperion924955 I know all about comments not being approved. I'm basically blacklisted from commenting and yet here I am trying again. Plus don't listen to tech hog, he's literally an a$$kissing dummy who def has no idea and just touts this game like it's the best thing ever.