Trading Post Pokémon TCG Pocket
Looking for Venusaur ex
Can trade for Starmie ex, Arcanine ex, Pikachu ex, Mewtwo ex, Machamp ex, Marowak ex, Wigglytuff ex.
Friend ID: 8249 8919 0486 6729
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I'm hoping to get 2 copies of Magneton (3 diamond #68) from Genetic Apex.
Willing to offer, 3 diamond Mew, Blastoise, Mewtwo, Pidgeot, Vaporean, Tauros, Ditto.
Friend ID: 02547225808618960 -
Need 2 Monferno 2 Diamond cards. Please comment so we can negotiate
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I sent you a trade offer
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I need 007 Butterfree, 171 Nidoking, 205 Ditto or 210 Aerodactyl.
Can trade for 22 Exeggutor, 45 Flareon, 46 Moltres, 83 Articuno, 89 Greninja, 109 Eelektross, 168 Nidoqueen, 6 Serperior, 19 Vaporeon, 26 Raichu, 31 Mew, 45 Golem, 47 Marshadow.
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I have a spare pidgeot EX. I’d be willing to trade it for any of the following: Venusaur EX, Charizard EX, Moltres EX, Aerodactyl EX, Darkrai EX, or Weavile Ex
Heres my friend code, make me an offer :)