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Card deck search does not work

Card deck search does not work. Quick ball, Ultra ball, Battle VIP pass, Crystal Fog..... Can anyone help me? Thank you


  • Jakaem
    Jakaem Member Posts: 4
    First Comment First Answer

    Same here - only Pokemon cards in hand are treated as such, it a card is in the deck then search cards do not treat them as valid. What a horrible error, which affects my on Windows but not on Android phone.

  • Riza_HawkEyes
    Riza_HawkEyes Member Posts: 3
    First Comment

    same bug on windows

  • MartinHoffo
    MartinHoffo Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Phone is OK but 1 game 10-15% baterry down. 

    I want back online

  • SrBino
    SrBino Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    Samee here in pc :(

  • Somberlord
    Somberlord Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Some cards versions may not work on PC. Try to avoid playing older or weird versions of cards. I had this problem 100% of the time. Swapped my old boss order for a recent one, and I don't encounter it anymore.