I'm want to trade for your Venusaur Ex x1 / Saymin 1 Star x2 (Full art)
The list of pkmn I have available to trade for Venusaur EX at this time include: Arcanine, Moltres, Articuno, Pikachu, Marrowack, Gengar, Wigglytuff, Celeby, Gyrados, Mew, areodactyl, Pidgeot, Yanmega, Mismagius, Gallade, Weavile. (I need 1 trade, message which one you would like to trade.)
The list of pkmn I have available to trade for Shaymin (Full Art) at this time inclue: Squirtle, Charmander, Pinser, Lapras, Alakazam, cubone, dragonite, pigeot, mewoth, porygon, exxecutor, snorlax, serperior, saladnit, vaporeon, gastrodon, shinx, spiritomb (I need 2 trades, Message which one you would like)
I will add other pkmn I can add to the trade offer as I accumulate this. Send me a friend request and send your trade request, I'll reply as soon as I see it.
Trainer Code: 3618 6891 1240 0406