They should make the start of games faster
Has anyone noticed the start Pokémon games are go remarkably slow. Like bro the walking speed compared to running is soooooo slow make running accessible at the VERY START!
You either have dragged out intro or BAM! right into the action, no in between. We need the return of game manuals so we can get rid of tutorials.
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Are you talking about the physical running speed of the character or the narrative pacing at the start of the game. I assumed the former, but either way, in both cases I agree with you.
The games have long needed a "skip all the tutorials and enable all functionality" option for experienced players and repeat playthroughs. I have been playing the games for over 20 years, I know that grass is weak to fire and Pokémon need to be weakened to catch them, thanks.
But then we are not even allowed to disable the exp. share anymore. We can't be trusted to train Pokémon ourselves. Why would they think we know which button opens the menu without being explicitly told by a character at the start of the game?
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Personally, I like how Kanto handles it. You start the game, explore but eventually leave to move the plot forward and get your starter. Have your first rival battle and the journey begins. You can go pretty much anywhere save for places that require an HM but they do force you to battle Brock first before you can go onward. Outside of that, yeah pretty much freedom to do w/e you want. You will need to battle Misty to use Cut but can skip Lt.Surge given he allows Fly and go straight to Erika or heck even Koga or Sabrina if you really wanted to. Freedom to do Gyms in w/e order you want is kind of nice.
The games came with a game manual so yeah I think going back to the roots is the way to go but that'd require people to actually buy the hard copy of the game and I feel the Gaming Industry is shifting away from that towards Digital.