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God Pack Question and Trade

I really don't understand why the god packs in the wonder picks were removed because of people spending money, I don't and never will spend money outside of the game, but it was so much fun to find the wonder picks desideradi and try to get the cards. As you can see from my account I also spent several bars on it as a favor. Which I wouldn't do with the envelopes where I only find commons. At this point I spend in the real game!
I really don't understand why take them away, people were spending so much money on it in the platform anyway so it was a big gain for you. Then if someone wants to do business with it it means they found people willing to spend, unfortunately it happens in all games. But it seems to me that in this case it is also a benefit to you and not a detriment. Lots of poke bullion spent on picks, which is not going to happen now!

for me who also play the real game and on pokemon live this is very boring to play, the good part is collecting. And the most fun part was just the god packs picks!

plus the trading method is really absurd, but just thinking about it. i have to burn 6/7/8 cards to trade one, and if i burn them all after that what do i trade? 😂


  • g1ammi
    g1ammi Member Posts: 4
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    It would really suffice if you put an equal number of god packs each day for each account, no one spends money on outside services, and those who want to spend it on the game.

    You make more money, we are happy and we get to have a few more nice cards and we are all happy. so much you can do 1 fishing every 2/3 days for god packs, either one spends or one can't have infinite nice cards. i don't understand why not find such a solution

  • luluch03
    luluch03 Member Posts: 9
    Name Dropper First Comment Photogenic

    pokemon company create an economy with tcg pocket game. nowadays pokemon company earn 500 M usd. this cards like a NFT. in the near future this economy shared the people each other. So each cards has value. god pack hunting with wonderpick manuplate the this economy system. god pack hunting with the wonderpick, you get the dupe valuable cards. Pokemon company not idiot. pokemon company not allowed this situation.

    however if pokemon company doesnt shared the free style trading method, system is a down. no one person continue game. nowaday this system not sustinable.

  • g1ammi
    g1ammi Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    they're not nft, that's completely different. if they were nft your argument would make sense... but here we're talking about cards in an application with servers. tomorrow the server closes? you lose everything... you can't move them to an external wallet and save them! The talk with nfts has nothing to do with it!

  • g1ammi
    g1ammi Member Posts: 4
    First Comment

    me if i spend 1000 euro for a nft i know it is mine forever... here if in 2 years pokemon decides to close poket you just lose everything!