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Anyone else having issues with abilities?

I've encountered several issues while playing. For example, I've tried multiple times to use Rotom Flying Form to summon three additional Normal Pokémon, but the game simply wouldn’t let me, even though all the conditions were met. The card wasn’t even clickable, and this has happened more than once—it’s really odd.

Additionally, I experienced a problem when trying to attack my opponent’s Bench with Cruel Arrow from Fezandipiti. The damage wouldn't go through, as if their Bench was being protected, but they had no abilities or Trainer cards in play that would prevent the attack. It worked fine on the first turn, but every turn after, the game acted as if Manaphy or another protective Pokémon was on the field, when in reality, they only had a Charmander.

does issues like this happen to anyone else?


  • Kurocaidoz
    Kurocaidoz Member Posts: 11
    Name Dropper First Comment

    Are you sure that was charmander and not a charmeleon?

    Since charmeleon does have an ability that prevents damage, also did you see the block of damage happen?

    I can say i did notice a bug with daily quest collections not going through, so maybe after the last update the game in general is bugged? something in the coding when you click on it?

  • Dynamite1988
    Dynamite1988 Member Posts: 2
    First Comment

    Yes, I saw the block of damage happen, and there was nothing on the field that should have caused it. It was definitely Charmander in that match. This issue has also occurred in other matches with different Basic Pokémon that had no abilities and no Stadium cards in play. For some reason, the game just wouldn’t let me use my abilities at all.

  • Dougbro1
    Dougbro1 Member Posts: 45
    5 Answers 10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    @Kurocaidoz Charmeleon's ability prevents only effects of attacks, like damage counter placement. It's completely vulnerable to straight-up Bench damage, like Cruel Arrow.

  • Kurocaidoz
    Kurocaidoz Member Posts: 11
    Name Dropper First Comment

    @Dynamite1988 yeah the game in general appears bugged/glitched, i even saw glitches of several cards when i knock opponent pokemons out, my game once got stuck when i checked a pokemon out, some cards when i build a deck show the back of their card rather than the front, i got minus ranked points after winning, no crystals after daily quest collection etc, so it appears to have been a rather bad update, i also saw an opponent use an ability when they shouldn'tve been able to, it appears the game somehow thinks more pokemon are in play then you can see, so it might be from previous games, meaning its in the coding and only the pokemon company can fix it :/

    @Dougbro1 yeah i missremembered that ability, tbf some of these ability descriptions can be rather confusing as well.