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The new trading system literally makes no sense

I want to trade a card, but to trade, I must first burn cards. However, the only cards I can burn are my duplicates (the very ones I would trade). By burning them, I lose the ability to trade them.

Like .... what is the point of this?

A trading system should encourage exchanges, not force players into a paradox where they must destroy what they need to trade. If burning is meant to limit supply or add value, it should be separate from the trading mechanic, not a prerequisite. There is no point in engaging with a system that punishes you for using it.


  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,617 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited January 29 #2

    The point it's to make players lose a significant amout of cards in order to trade for cards from old packs... witch like you said makes no sense and it's not fun at all.