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Who is your favorite/the best route 1 Pokémon

Bowlo1 Member Posts: 2
First Comment Photogenic

This could be either just your favorite or just the best competitively in your opinion. My personal favorite is Oddish cause he’s just a lil grassy blueberry boy.


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    At first I thought you were asking about the route design itself. I thought you said the best route 1 in Pokémon.

    Does Route 29 in Johto count as a route 1, or is that Kanto Route 1? Does the route have to literally be called "Route 1" to count?

    (I have typed the word "route" too much. It no longer looks like a real word.)

    It is an interesting question. The first Pokémon you encounter on route 1 sets up your expectations for the game and make a big impression, especially if it's your first Pokémon game.

    Partially for that reason, Kanto Route 1 Pidgy was one I liked. It is a cool design and I loved its evolutions. Shame the first few games overused it.

    I also really like Wooloo on Galar Route 1. For all my criticisms of SwSh I may have brought up once or twice, it has some great Pokémon designs.

    Sorry you have to sit this one out, Kalos fans.

  • Scashowian
    Scashowian Member Posts: 275 ✭✭
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    Zigzagoon is my Favorite.

    It has the ability Pickup, and can pickup rare candies by the time it reaches 21. (Stated by Matt (Absol) in the Emerald Oak Challenge)

    I also like its designs, both hoenn and galar.

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,475 ✭✭✭✭
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    poocheyena is just a dark boi

  • Flametix
    Flametix Member Posts: 628 ✭✭✭
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    i like azurill in south province area 1

  • Lonestar85
    Lonestar85 Member Posts: 111 ✭✭
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    Having only really played Kanto(Yellow version) for much of my life, I'm all but compelled to answer Pidgey or Rattata here but I'm going to go on a slight detour here and pick a Route 22 Pokémon given it's right next to Viridian City and is still classified as a beginner route for Red/Blue/Yellow given that level 2 to 6 Pokémon may be found there, including Route 1 Rattata at level 3. With Route 22 involved, I'm going to pick Nidoran(Female) as she'll eventually evolve into Nidoqueen. Why Nidoqueen over Nidoking? Simple answer: Natural Body Slam. Nidoking's Thrash and ability to use Horn Drill(via TM) may be strong but it's Thrash move is what gives me pause. Despite being 120 Power, you have no control once chosen and then you get the Confusion malus after a few uses. Body Slam, by contrast, delivers sufficient Physical Damage and can Paralyze(just not to Normal types… Gen 1 quirks after all). Plus Nidoqueen has the same coverage as Nidoking with the exact same Special Stat. She just trades Speed and Attack for Defense and Bulk, which honestly isn't a bad tradeoff provided you put her in advantageous situations.

    Yet if I had to pick a non-Kanto early route Pokémon, that nod goes to Unova's Sewaddle. Bug/Grass is a horrible Typing combo I'll admit but I've used Parasect on Yellow version far too many times to not use it. Plus, if you need a strong Grass and Bug Type, it does both admirably in place of Grass starter Snivy. Plus, Burgh uses it for his Ace… got to mean something no?

  • Shadowbrine1
    Shadowbrine1 Member Posts: 228 ✭✭✭
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    I don't know if this is a route 1 Pokémon but in red my first pokemon was a kakuna that is still use

    TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 480 ✭✭✭
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    The god of pokemon. (try to guess)

    TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 480 ✭✭✭
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  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,552 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    is cutiefly one?