General Attack Announcement / Log

The old PTCGO would announce the attack while attacking so you know if like a Ditto, etc. used an attack from a Pokémon in the discard otherwise it just looks to be damage. Combine this with a log of moves, again like the predecessor PTCGO, then it will be easier to play.
I agree as well. Both a log and an attack announcement are needed.
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Yes, the attack should be announced. When playing against Regidrago Vstar, you have to use the damage done to figure out which attack was used. And this can be complicated by things such as Choice Belt & V Guard energy.
Yes, yes, yes, we need a game log!!!
And please indicate who goes first. In PTCGO there is a highlight for the player going first. Live highlights the player whose turn it is, but does not show this before the start of turn 1.