Solo battles: Auto button too close to End Turn button

I was wondering if anyone else had this issue, and just wanted to put the suggestion out there.
There have been a few times during a solo battle that I have purposely not used a trainer card, and go to end my turn, and end up fat-fingering the end turn button, instead hitting the "auto" button. It goes into effect without any warning and will use trainer cards unnecessarily before ending the turn. This has cost me a couple of the expert solo battles.
I believe either moving the auto button further away from the end turn button, or requiring some second action to initiate auto battle, would fix this easily. But I do want to hear from other players if they have experienced this.
I have had this issue in a number of card game apps. I hate auto-battlers, because the AI will almost always use any available card or ability unnecessarily, to the point of throwing the game.
They should move the option far away from any other action, in addition to providing a way to disable it entirely in the settings if you never intend to use it.