Filtered game search

I've been playing a lot of random non-meta decks recently to try and have more fun but 90% of players I face in ranked / casual / expanded casual use meta decks. I'd love to see the option to do casual games but filter out decks like mew/lugia so that I can actually have competitive games.
Obviously it should also stop me using those decks I filter on but does anyone else want this feature so that we can have more fun with non-meta cards?
two things to say about this.
1) can someone explain me why the statement "you are not having fun because you play meta" became something accepted by so many people? I'm kind of on the other side of the opinion, i play mostly meta because i find them the most fun to play.
2) now specifically answering your post, a have some issues with something like this is.
where do they draw the line of a deck being a meta deck?
is it the top 3 decks the meta? the top 5? the top 10?
how do you determine they are playing those decks? you search for specific cards? what if they are playing those cards in a different deck?
And the biggest problem is, if you have a filter for specific decks, you can just build a deck that has a really good match against part of the meta except 1 deck, and just remove the possibility of playing against that deck, which is unfair and abusing the system.
If you do a second ladder where meta decks are banned, then the next best decks will become meta, effectively causing the same problem you have just with different decks.
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I'm new to Pokemon TCG Live (not new to TCG) and found the competition impossible to play against. I'm just a very casual gamer and it seems like everyone is playing super decks that can deploy a dozen Energies at once, switch Pokemons between Bench and Active with no cost, have 1000 HP and 1000 damage for every Pokemon.
Of course that was an exaggeration, but my point is that I can barely do anything against these decks and it's just no fun. Is there an option to play against a computer NPC so we may gradually learn the decks at least?
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Literally makes no sense as a deck is made up of 60 cards and there are so many different variations of 'meta' decks. How can you possibly implement this? I don't enjoy playing against Lugia decks but the more you play against it, the more you can start to build decks that counter it. It's all part of the fun which you mention