Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex Misleading Damage

They really need to fix the displayed damage of Cornerstone when attacking. For example, when using Demolish against Mimikyu who is immune to V and ex Pokémon. The damage will be displayed as Zero when selecting an attack; however, when clicked it will proceed to do 140 damage or 120 damage with Double Turbo. It's completely misleading.
Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon ex is about to use this attack on Mimikyu:
[Fighting] [Colorless] [Colorless] Demolish: 140
This attack’s damage isn’t affected by Weakness or Resistance, or by any effects on your opponent’s Active Pokémon.*
So this Pokémon always does 140 damage to Mimikyu (or 120 with Double Turbo Energy).
I hope that the information above will help you.
* Source:
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That wasn't his point at all. He knows that Demolish will do damage to mimikyu. That is not the issue. What he's saying is that the attack damage on cornerstone before attacking is displayed as zero, even though it will do damage. And I agree, this is confusing. Please pay attention to what people are saying and don't just auto respond with your usual response.
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I'm sorry — I didn't read the discussion above carefully.