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Conceding Matches?!



  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,489 ✭✭✭✭
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    Its not about what I want because the people making the games are making rules to continue the length of games they want. It's already done.

  • Uncleruckus270
    Uncleruckus270 Member Posts: 16
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    but if the other dude gets bad hand wheres the fun for them?

  • GRussek
    GRussek Member Posts: 45
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    ive seen both sides of this.. i think conceding once you or your opponent has "check mated" each other makes sense and is a sign of respect, in a way. but i have also seen people that will concede right from the flip depending on which deck in using etc. just because the deck has a weakness to the opponent does not gurantee they will win and ive seen many people just concede if they have weakness or if they go first and dont have the basic cards they want. that part is frustrating.

  • RollingArt23
    RollingArt23 Member Posts: 5
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    I don't like the people who concede immediately. But, if a person has no shot at winning the match, I can't be mad at them for quitting either.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Many card game players tend to focus on their own hand and their own plays, and scarcely consider what their opponent is doing unless it is sitting on board staring them in the face. And even then they miss things.

    The truth is that the same variance that can adversely affect your game can also affect your opponent.

    All too common is the assumption that the opponent is sitting there with the perfect hand and a wincon just waiting to be deployed, and unless you have the absolute optimal play from turn one, you have already lost.

    But they brick too. Or get the suboptimal hand. Or even facing a type disadvantage sometimes you still have the better hand and the better deck.

    So it is valid to say that people should play out even the bad hands and the bad matchups. Of course, we are all human, and sometimes we cannot be bothered to deal with a bad matchup or a frustrating play pattern. Sometime you do need that quick out of just conceding the game.

    I feel there is a compromise where we can encourage people to play out games, at least to a reasonable point, without forcing them to slog through unwinnable games.

    I tend to think incentives are better than punishments. Maybe if you concede on the first couple of turns you lose the opportunity to get a 'thank you' from your opponent. Or you get some extra rewards or daily quest rewards for playing beyond a certain number of turns, or without conceding. Maybe you could earn an emblem that ranks up only when you complete games beyond a certain turn, or without conceding.

    Those are just a few ideas off the top of my head.

  • Uncleruckus270
    Uncleruckus270 Member Posts: 16
    10 Comments 5 Agrees Name Dropper

    Doesn't waste time, you get a W. I dont see a down side.

  • GRussek
    GRussek Member Posts: 45
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    the idea of a emblem or trophy for not conceding games i like. I'm not sure how they could structure that but the idea sounds cool. something to incentivize to at least try to play out games

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    A trophy for not conceding? lol honestly that one was funny 😆

  • Charmander_355
    Charmander_355 Member Posts: 13
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    Then how about this for an idea! If you concede against me, you get whatever the base xp is and I get double the base xp?

  • Charmander_355
    Charmander_355 Member Posts: 13
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    Well there is an easy solution to this. Games are rewarded for the longer they go but the metric they use to measure how long a game goes is not by time but by moves made. That way people will be encouraged to stay in a match but won't drag out their attacks.

    I personally don't think players are caring about match xp though. I feel like majority of the community concede because they are bad sports i,e pushing a match to the end just to concede before I get to land the winning move. That's just childish