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Conceding Matches?!



  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    That would be an easy way to abuse the system by just keep conceding and be at level 50 in few day lol... Actually a similar "abuse" already happens in private matches with the "THANKS" code... everyone there concedes just to get the "thanks" gift mostly for alt accounts, imagine if over that you add EXP... you would rarely be able to play more than a turn.

  • Charmander_355
    Charmander_355 Member Posts: 13
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    Majority of my matches cry babies concede before I'm able to deliver the final blow. If you've taken the match all the way to the end, then quitting before the final blow just shows that you're a sore loser - which in my experience 9/10 players are.

    I think this is by far the worst community of players I've ever experienced

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,567 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    do you know what’s funny you are the first player I’ve heard complain like it’s the worst game ever about Tcg pocket since its launch and saying it’s the worst community of players is a bold claim which is pretty much false saying that it’s probably one of the healthiest pokemon communities especially compared to unite (just look at all the recent unite posts)

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I don't know how you can draw those conclusions when there isn't even in-game communication.

    Also, remember that casual players and children are also playing this game. Not everyone is a card game veteran that takes the optimal play at lightning speed. Sometimes what you might perceive as griefing is simply an inexperienced player making mistakes or taking a bit of time to understand the game.

    Don't assume the worst intent from an opponent you cannot see or communicate with. If nothing else, it is bad for your own happiness and mental wellbeing.

    But why does it matter to you whether they concede or not? How would the result change if they hadn't conceded? What do you lose from their concession?

    Take yes for an answer. Take the W. I would reflect on who might be the crybaby in this situation if 'I win, but not exactly the way I want' is your problem.

    But on the topic of concession...

    I had an interesting experience playing the physical TCG with a friend I was visiting over the holidays.

    He doesn't play many card games (though we both play TCG Pocket) so I decided it might be fun to buy and play with a couple of the Generations starter decks that came out recently. He likes gen 3, so I got him the Kyroge/Blaziken deck, and I like gen 5, so I got the Reshiram/Amoongus deck.

    Despite my type disadvantage, on our first game he had a bad start and got stuck with only his Kyroge ex that I prevented from attacking by constantly knocking off the energy.

    He is not a bad sport, but he felt very defeated by the situation and kept saying that he should just concede. I told him the game had just started, his deck had the advantage and that things can turn around very quickly.

    He didn't give up, eventually found a Torchic that he evolved into a Blaziken ex and swiftly dispatched all of my grass types, and even my Reshiram ex.

    He went on to win every subsequent game we played. We also went to play Magic with a mutual friend, and despite the fact that he had to borrow a deck and had a bad start, again saying that he had checked out and should probably concede, he went on to win the game.

    Despite being the more experienced card player, I didn't win a single card game against him the whole week.

    It just goes to show, you shouldn't give up just because you have a bad start. As I said in my earlier post, things can change, you can draw the right card, your opponent can run out of gas or even make a mistake that costs them the game.

    Don't concede until it is truly over, but there is nothing wrong with conceding when you know you have lost. Shuffle up and enjoy another game.

    And don't resent your opponent for conceding or not conceding. It's a 2 player game and they have the right to take their legal game actions as they see fit.

    If they want to play it out, give them a chance. You never know how things will play out following the next draw. If they feel they are out of plays and want to concede, just take the win.

    As bad as a sore loser can be, there is nothing more insufferable than a bad winner.

  • Charmander_355
    Charmander_355 Member Posts: 13
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    I think you misunderstabd. The person who concedes would get the exact same xp as they do now, and the person they conceded would get double the current xp.

    Also since when is xp in this gamer even relevant? Who actually cares about xp?

  • Charmander_355
    Charmander_355 Member Posts: 13
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    I haven't played in that community. What I'm saying is, it's the worst community of players that I have experienced. I typically play console games and this is the first mobile game that I'm playing. But I stand by the fact that the playing community are a bunch of babies. Who taught you all that it's ok to quit because you are losing or about to lose? Imagine that happening in televised sports?!

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,663 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited January 9 #28

    Wait, do you think concessions never happen in professional sports?

    I also find that console gaming is brought up as a positive example in comparison to anything hilarious. Usually console gamers are (unfairly, in my opinion) brought up as examples of the most toxic and childish players.

    Who taught you to waste people's time dragging out games you cannot win?

    Do you not see how the reverse logic can be used against you?

    Encouraging people not to give up is a good sentiment and I would even agree in certain situations. But what is to be gained from dragging out a game it is mathematically impossible to win?

  • Charmander_355
    Charmander_355 Member Posts: 13
    10 Comments Name Dropper

    Clearly you don't read. I'm not talking about conceding in maybe first or 2nd turn. I'm talking about the sore losers that will wait until you're about to make the very last move and then concede. I do believe in sticking any match out to the end regardless - There is nothing to be gained other than you're integrity. If people are so weak they quit a mobile app, what will these people do when real life happens? Quitting in these situations only conditions you to be a quitter in everything else you do.

    Also can you give me examples of concessions that happen in professional sports? I'm not talking about some rare one off instances, I'm talking about concessions you'd see every single day in sport? Is there any? I doubt it, and you know why? Because real athletes are not a bunch of quitters like the gaming community

  • Condrosulf400
    Condrosulf400 Member Posts: 1
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  • HaBigLambo
    HaBigLambo Member Posts: 6
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    Complaining about an opponent conceding just means you only care about your own self and how much fun the game is for you. There is a real person on the other end who has already calculated that they are going to lose. Take the W and be grateful for the time they saved you.