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Is anyone else's TCGLive running REALLY slow???

the framerate and just loading in general is taking forever and its kind of concerning. i dont want to be playing this if its going to run like this. If anyone else encountered this issue or possibly knows how to fix it, PLEASE HELP!!


  • Chaoseiro
    Chaoseiro Member Posts: 7
    First Comment

    I have an old phone (Motorola Z2) and it is impossible to play on it.

    With the constant animated backgrounds, it was nearly impossible to play on my notebook as well by it is maneageble now with the "reduced effects" option.

    Needless to say, PTCGO run fine on both devices...

    All we can hope and ask for is a better performance optimization.

  • AoTF
    AoTF Member Posts: 19
    5 Agrees First Anniversary 10 Comments Name Dropper

    It's lagging when I play on my tablet. Makes it damn near impossible to play.

  • Professor_Bear
    Professor_Bear Member Posts: 36
    Name Dropper 5 Agrees 10 Comments Photogenic

    It is still slow, graphic heavy and lags on most devices. Old game was so much better in many ways!

  • stealthboy2600
    stealthboy2600 Member Posts: 48 ✭✭
    Name Dropper 5 Likes First Answer Second Anniversary

    The decision to focus on adding more resource-intensive animations was a poor decision. So many other things to fix, yet they roll out distracting, flashing, broken animations for the playfield which just makes the experience worse. Yes, I know you can turn them off on the Desktop client now, but they still show up for a moment when you put a new Pokemon in play.

    IMHO they need to fix the game-breaking bugs first. Someone running this project needs to do a better job at prioritization!