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Ban Cornerstone Mask Ogerpon Ex



  • mysticgryph
    mysticgryph Member Posts: 2
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    sorry cat walked on my keyboard lmao, anyway I think the larger issue is Cornerstone is run with Mimyku and a slew of supporter cards to simply block the other player from playing Even if they can attack, I’ve had a few matches that are the “bosses order, Penny, Pal Pad, Hero’s Cape, Xerosic’s Scheme, Cornerstone and mimyku and deck discard x#” where my opponent played Zero energys. the goal is to constantly swap out yout mon’s, burn your energies, and stall till time or deck empty, That should be banned or the win condition for that changed. cuz most of those matches, my opponent had all their prize cards left and i had 1-3.

  • DoubleCure
    DoubleCure Member Posts: 1,624 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    edited January 1 #13

    @mysticgryph it's called a stall control deck... while everyone knows how annoying it is... this deck "type" have existed for decades (as has the deck out win condition), there are even "pro" players that just play this decks, and btw there were decks much worst than this... try to check some control decks in Expanded format lol

    So even tho I dislike those decks too, I can garantee you it wont be banned.

  • OlderAngel11
    OlderAngel11 Member Posts: 1,815 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    Oh boy… Should I even get involved in this? I have seen this argument so many times from so many different people: "It's not fair! It's an instant concede! It shouldn't be allowed!"


    Number one, there's nothing about the card that makes it not fair. It is just something different than what you mostly play against. And yes, some of those cards can be annoying. But what makes the Pokemon Trading Card Game so fun is that there is so much variance in all the build of decks. You can play aggro, defensive, stall, mill, I could go on all day. So to support these different play styles, Pokemon is going to release cards that some people might not like. Big deal. Get over it.

    Almost every single time this happens, they are NOT THAT BROKEN. You can play a single card in your deck that will kill it. And that's if you really care that much. Most people who don't want to devote a deck space to a counter card can just accept that they will be beaten by it. No deck will beat all the other decks. That's just not how it works. You will have good matchups and you will have bad ones. You want to know the deck I played against in my FIRST round of Worlds? Stall. Yes, I was irritated, but I got over it. Yes I lost, but I shook it off and moved on with the tournament.

    And my last point here is that you will never be satisfied. Even if this card were to get banned— which it will not— then you would just immediately move on to another card that is irking you and start calling it out for being broken, unfair, and unnatural.

    UNKNONSASQUATCH Member Posts: 288 ✭✭✭
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    Absolutely not. Cornerstone Mask is a good card, and just because a few players are whining because "they literally can't do anything against it", isn't a reason to ban it. Im holding a lot of my opinions back on this one to avoid being banned