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I know Legendaries are banned, but this is just for online battles
Caladrius-Articuno Ice beam Freeze-dry Blizzard Sheer cold Tera type Ice
Mastachioed-Galarian Weezing Strange steam Sludge bomb Heat wave Defog Tera type fire
Bobette Ross-Smeargle Imprison Trick room U-turn Protect Tera type bug
Loki-Alolan Ninetales Blizzard Aurora veil Freeze-dry Dazzling gleam Tera type ground
Toadette-Toedscruel Energy ball Earth power Spore Giga drain Tera type electric
John Cena-Incineroar U-turn Knock off Flare blitz Burning jealousy Tera type Grass
I would suggest to replace Toedscruel with Amoonguss, because of it's ability, Toedscruel always moves last (stats moves) and trick room can't change that.
Another thing, you've got to many support Pokémon. You're team is lacking an attacker and a special attacker. Articuno is the only Pokémon that can properly attack the opponent.
If you want a trick room team, you need to at least have two Pokémon on you're team that knows the move. Don't depend on Smeargle to much, it's fragile. It dies with one move without a Focus Sash. And trick room is a move that always moves last.
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The main use of trick room on smeargle is to lock it with imorison and I only use it if I am in a bad situation
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I also run the play of the tournament winning Alolan Ninetales and Articuno play, where I have choice specs Tera ice blizzard Articuno, with icy rock aurora veil snowscape Ninetales so Articuno cant die and always lands blizzard
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there's quite some issues here. Your selection of Pokemon shows you are missing knowledge on strong combinations. Yes Articuno and A-ninetales has synergy, yes G-Weezing can be a good pokemon. Also Incineroar fits into many teams.
But G-Weezing wants to be on the field with a pokemon that can abuse how good Neutralizing Gas is. Also don't expect to win against teams that don't need their abilities or maneuver around Neutralizing Gas.
There's a lot to learn so the best thing to do is fine someone to coach you. Also rental teams are an option if you want to be self-taught. It's the fastest way.
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You got the part about strong combinations right 🤣 I just used pokemon that I have seen in competitive play, and also made the smeargle myself
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So you aren't against copying and building on what someone else has done. That's good. Then I suggest trying out Rental Teams but while you use them keep in the back of your mind what kind of EVs and IVs those Pokemon might have. I personally get bored without that stimulation of figuring it out. 🤔 You could do the math on each attack. It's advanced and something you don't have to do right away so just enjoy the game to start. Figure out the counterplay, rental teams and pokemon you like to be using.