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What features do you want to add to, well… any of the games?

Meowy11111 Member Posts: 276 ✭✭✭
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I want to know what everyone thinks.

I really don’t have any suggestions though…


  • Tacolaser
    Tacolaser Member Posts: 707 ✭✭✭
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    Co-op mode that allows you to play with people on the same device.

  • clasingla
    clasingla Member Posts: 3,553 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    revival of Pokemon contest

  • Lonestar85
    Lonestar85 Member Posts: 111 ✭✭
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    If Co-Op mode is anything like Let's GO Pikachu/Eevee, no thanks. They had the 2nd player basically be a useless 2nd/3rd wheel who doesn't have their own set of Pokémon, cannot grab items or talk to NPC's. In Let's GO, the 2nd player basically uses the Pokémon of the first player and the bulk of battles when playing Co-Op become 2v1. Furthermore, you can't really have a Co-Op mode for Generation 3 or Generation 5(save for the sequels) because the original Gen 5 games had two rivals(Cheren&Bianca) who take the other two Starters while Brendan/May are the in-game rival(hence Co-Op mode would remove the Route 110 rival fight since your Co-Op partner would basically become Brendan or May).

    I suppose for future Generations, a Co-Op mode could work but working it into previous Generations would be a headache(as I pointed out). You'd also have to rework all Trainers, including Gym Leaders, Elite 4 and Champion for Co-Op mode to be Double Battles the entire way through and not the 2v1 embarrassment that Let's GO happened to be.

  • MonstaDash
    MonstaDash Member Posts: 391 ✭✭✭
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    Oh where do I start… The reintroduction of the game corner containing actual arcade games and games made by Nintendo in the past, minigames that involve controlling a pokemon (machamp boxing, rapidash racing, etc…), the National Dex (Gotta Catch'em All!), multi-regional games (like in gen 2), actual villains for teams, ability to rechallenge trainers/gym leaders reintroduced, PokeRadar, Poke Amie, dynamic battles (like in Legends Arceus), a good artstyle, more in-depth Pokedex completion, battle frontier, upped level cap (maybe the level cap goes to 200 once a certain requirement was met like lets say jirachi blesses it or something), maybe the introduction of multiple protagonists that you switch between (like Y4 and Y5 but may make the games more linear). That's all I can think of.

  • cpm1
    cpm1 Member Posts: 437 ✭✭✭
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    spectator mode to watch the battles

  • Eremas
    Eremas Member Posts: 1,478 ✭✭✭✭
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    Poke pelageo was a fun feature for what it did. It's great for making egg hatching easy, farming EV berries, and treasure hunting or hunting for evolution stones.

    I still see streamers do Dinamax adventures, keeping a community active. I do hope tera raid battles get some kind of update to make them more fun.

    Number three on my list would be Pokemon Contests. But I want to see ways of increasing Conditions that can be done via battling. And allow Pokemon to have contest set of moves. When I played contests back in Hoenn I would regret changing moves of my most powerful pokemon.

  • MajorBrendan
    MajorBrendan Member Posts: 1,971 ✭✭✭✭
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    In addition to reviving Pokemon Contests, I like the Poke Pelago and the Pokemon Amie.

  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,660 ✭✭✭✭✭
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    I guess my suggestion of restoring features removed from the series over the years did not get approved. Oh, well.

  • Lucidian
    Lucidian Member Posts: 3
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    I would love to see contests and ball capsules again as well as a new pokewalker.

    But for new features:

    The option to choose that you come from a spezific different region (like the protagonists of alola having moved there from kanto). I'd choose Sinnoh.

    As well as the option to play a character that is not eleven years old. You could choose "I traveled a bit through [insert region]" and I brought my [insert a level one pokemon (downloadable from pokemon home)] with me." Then the protagnist looks either "very young" (the standard early teens) or "young* (undefinable late teens to early twenties).

    But what I would like the most is the character themself developing some minor power throughout the game. Megaevolutions and Z-moves (don't know about dynamax or terracrystallization) draw on a certain power of the trainer or the bond between trainer and pokemon. In addition, there are psychics. This protagonists power, where you get one based on one of the pokemon types through decisions throughout the game, could be used to give it to the pokemon in a battle (somewhat like Z-moves) for some special effect. Or it could be used outside of battle to help your pokemon in a minigame, assisting the professor or removing a minor obstacle.

    TURTLEEEEEE Member Posts: 480 ✭✭✭
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    edited December 2024 #11

    Jumping (excluding miriadon/koriodon and wrydeer and basculegion)