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Deck orders for Pokemon Battle Academy 2022



  • Carvy3
    Carvy3 Member Posts: 1
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    edited December 2024 #12
  • JRhine9
    JRhine9 Member Posts: 1
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    My son opened Battle Academy and opened the Evee deck and shuffled all the cards. What is the order of the cards to be played with the Evee deck? There are no numbers in the corner like the Pikachu or Cinderacr Decks.

  • runcade
    runcade Member Posts: 1
    First Comment Name Dropper

    There is no order with the evee deck. The other two have an order but just for the intial time you play to teach you the game and follow the scripted play. After that they expect you to shuffle the decks and play for real in random order.

  • BeccasMum
    BeccasMum Member Posts: 1
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    I am so glad someone asked this question and I could easily find the answer - not sure what happened as I let my 10 year old daughter set up the first game and I didn't realise it was so precise! Cards ended up in the wrong order so trying to play the first game and figure out the rules and find the right card... It was not a fun game!

    Armed with the above info about card order we may be able to get into the swing of it next time round!

  • GeraltOfRivia46
    GeraltOfRivia46 Member Posts: 1
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    So for anyone else I think it's a little confusing. As an Ex MTG (Magic) card player this idea of ordered deck threw me completely.. there was never such a thing as a pre built guided game...

    The order is simply to walk you through how a game can play out. Once you have done it once and you understand the very basics of how to draw cards and do damage.. the order of the cards is totally irrelevant. Just play one deck against another and shuffle it..and play once color against another.

    You can even try to build two colour decks from the 3 decks you get in the set and play them against each other.. doesn't quite work out but even the process of choosing what goes in the deck helps you understand how to play. Think of it like playing poker but you know the hands exist in your deck, it's just a matter of stacking luck in your favour with cards that give you ability to find the Pokémon you need in your deck.

    Also the misleading sheet of paper that says don't shuffle the deck, should say don't shuffle for your first play or two then it's ok.. just play.. as a parent it makes you think you cannot play when the deck is shuffled.. you totally can.

    I do feel though the cards are totally badly designed.lots of small text on backgrounds you cannot read the text easily. This is the grievance I have.. considering it's a learner deck.. it's massively detailed in ways that are not immediately apparent or relevant ( such as weaknesses which barely come I to effect in these decks)

    Once I got the basics attack do damage add energy, etc.. you just need to play a few rounds make mistakes and it will click.

    You need to hunker down with your kids and play a few rounds.. I spent all day yesterday hammering home the basics.. draw a card, place and energy etc..

    Then started to read some of the fine print on some of the cards.. the. It clicked how the likes of Pica can be used.

    Abilities can be used as well as attacks (meaning once pica is out, you can keep searching for more energy to use in an attack)

    It's oddly simple.. with all the details on the cards..but really they need a redesign (maybe this is true of later editions)

    I wish MTG had the same kudos that Pokémon has because 1 I played it for years and 2. Cards are better designed ..