Exegg+Beedrill+Celebi? (Pocket)

I feel like the Beedrill Exegg deck might've gotten a nice boost in the form of Celebi. One of the main advantages of the deck is that the two attackers arent energy hungry really (not counting the retreat cost.) The main issue with the deck is that it has troubles closing out games with the two former mons. Celebi acting as a nice energy sink can help in the end game with big damage (assuming you land the coin flips of course.) Leaf is also a nice boost allowing you to bypass Exeggs big retreat honestly. The decklist im currently running looks like this. Wondering how ya'll feel about this.
x2 Beedrill x2 Kakuna x2 Weedle x2 Exeggutor EX x2 Exeggcute x1 Celebi EX x2 Pokeball x1 Potion x2 Professor's Research x2 Erika x1 Sabrina x1 Leaf
I like the cook. If I ever get my hands on the Celebi I'll try it out….