Pokémon art challenge thing: Winter

I want to make a bimonthly (twice a month) series of posts where we have a Pokémon related theme to draw, and this is going to be the first one.
Someone please think of a better name, I don't want to call it Pokémon art challenge thing but my brain is refusing to think of better ideas.
This time, the theme is winter! Try to draw something winter themed and related to Pokémon, then post it on this discussion. Posting it is optional though, having fun while drawing is the most important part.
A way to come up with ideas, for anyone struggling with that: try to think about winter related things in Pokémon.
For example, the actual season in the gen 5 games, how the scenery and Pokémon change, a cold town/route/area you like, or an Ice type Pokémon you like (you can even use the location they're found in as a background!), or other things I didn't mention. And remember that those aren't the only options you can draw!
The last day for this one is Dec 31.
You don't need to make a masterpiece or even something good, just have fun. Remember that this is not a competition, I just made this to give people who want to draw but don't know what to draw ideas for their art (and maybe even get people who aren't interested in art to try it).
Not an artist but I'll be excited to see what people make.
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What about Poké-art-athlon?
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I'm actually working on a Christmas fan art of Serena though I did a Christmas art challenge for Christmas.
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You did it!!
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I made a holiday outfit for Dawn! It was designed purely from what I think a holiday outfit looks like, I did not look at a single reference image for anything other than Glaceon. That is not a good thing.
I decided to draw it on paper because the feeling of actually using a pencil or pen is amazing. Unfortunately, I am not good at colouring and using ink if the drawing does not make that obvious. Also, the Glaceon was rushed.
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The outfit is great! I think you can draw the arms to bend a little.