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Impossible to complete premium mewtwo set

I am a new subscriber to premium having waited until December to sign up. I signed up as I wanted the mewtwo set only to realise that because I signed up late and purchased the pikachu card it is now impossible for me to complete the mewtwo set. Even with all the missions completed I am 1 ticket short from being able to finish the mewtwo set.

This really leaves a bad taste to me for the game, if I'm already paying for the premium pass I shouldn't be locked out of completing the sets and yet I am. I'd even take the option to purchase extra premium tickets separately but locking you out of completing sets because you brought the pass late is just wrong.


  • YourLocalDeimos
    YourLocalDeimos Member Posts: 2
    5 Agrees First Comment

    I’ve experienced the same thing. It’s very frustrating to get a premium subscription for these cosmetics and be locked out of getting them because you bought a promo for one ticket.

    I suggest the devs give premium tickets to subscribers as a part of their regular daily gift or as a completely separate daily gift for premium players only.

  • TrainerPorygon
    TrainerPorygon Member Posts: 1
    First Comment

    This development was trouble for me too.
    I used my premium pass 12/13/2024.

    It was an awful to purchase most Mewtwo accessories items until I had less than 7 points and I realized I need (1) point more to complete the Mewtwo set and the additional Pikachu card.