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Multi-type deck energy bug

I created a deck with two energy types. Instead of swapping between the energies, it was random and made it impossible for me to use my pokemon in the fight, so I just lost. The random energy is not predictable so I can't make a deck with it, and that really sucks


  • TheJeffers
    TheJeffers Member Posts: 1,487 ✭✭✭✭✭
    500 Agrees 1000 Comments 250 Likes 250 LOLs

    This is not a bug. This is a feature.

    Being able to play multiple types consistently gives you an advantage. Multi-type decks would become mandatory if there wasn't variance to add an element of risk to balance it out.

    You have to choose between the consistency of mono-type and the versatility of multi-type. It is a risk reward calculation. If there is no risk of failure, there is no calculation, no choice, to be made. Everyone would play piles of the same best Pokémon in the same deck every time, regardless of typing.