More branch evolutions

I would like to see More branch evolutions like what we see with Poliwhirl, Slowpoke, Eevee. I would like to see Glameow, Stunky and Corphish to get branched evolutions to start things off.
Very interesting note on that. What do you think of an idea that Corphish gets a heroic branch evolution?
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@Tacolaser I wouldn't mind seeing more of Eevee's evolutions.
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That’s my username on TCGP.
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@Meowy11111 Small world, isn't it?
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what kind of pokemon you have in mind for branched evos besides eevee?
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oh geez, you put me on the the spot. Usually I'm always thinking of stuff but now my mind is blank. Idk maybe regional grass type slowpoke with a Slowbro and Slowking being grass/psychic. Fighting/fire houndour with houndoom having a bunch of badges ornamenting it.
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@Eremas clever, My case, I would like to see Houndour getting a Ghost/Fire type Branch evolution.