Which Starter is the Best

How does the line for the worst grass starter be in the lead.
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Best as in most competitively viable? Or which do I like the most?
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I would go with Inteleon.
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All other answers are objectively wrong. /joke (I love Delphox, but I don't really care if others don't)
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Best starter is another difficult and subjective question ugh. Yet I'm mildly surprised no one has replied/mentioned Mudkip or Swampert yet given it can single-handedly solo Hoenn if it wanted to. I mean yeah you got a x4 vulnerability to Grass but that's all it has. Furthermore, you can counter Grass with Ice Beam or Ice Punch to take advantage of its stronger Physical Attack. Icing on the cake: Mega Swampert. Only knock on Swampert is the Speed but given its other Stats, I let it slide.