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[Bug] Thunder Spear Zebrastrike interaction

Thunder Spear ability from Zebrastrike does not interact with Giovanni or +Weakness damage when used on Benched Staryu


  • Drekavil
    Drekavil Member Posts: 3
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    Reading other cards, like ArticunoEx doing 10 damage to the bench, it makes sense in the writing. I'm just unsure why it doesn't scale off Giovanni or Weakness if the initial part of the Articuno damage does 80. Food for though/Possible Bug/Possible Future Buff.

  • Ravenclawed1234
    Ravenclawed1234 Member Posts: 851 ✭✭✭✭
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    weakness doesn’t affect benched Pokémon.

  • 10types
    10types Member Posts: 239 ✭✭✭
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    I believe this is the intended interaction because this is how it works in the regular tcg. It's still weird it doesn't say it in parentheses like it usually would tho

  • Portwise
    Portwise Member Posts: 2
    First Comment Photogenic

    The cards in pocket omit the rule that's standard print in the regular TCG, that is that weakness doesn't affect damage done to the bench. In this case, it's any damage modifier including Giovanni. I assume that this would be written in the "rulebook" if it were a physical card game, and assumed. This rule isn't the case in the regular tcg, rather it's assumed anyway due to the fine print on any attack that can target the bench. Theoretically, they could write an attack that hits the bench and applied weakness if applicable, but there's no precedent for it so far.