new deck customization prices are outrageous

I understand why they got rid of coins but I think the new prices they have given deck customization is ridiculous while the old coin prices were quite high I didn't mind since coins had little to no value
now the average COIN price for deck customizations was for coins between 400 to 550 the average price for card sleeves was between 500 to 600 coins and the average price for a deck box was 600 coins
the CURRENT average crystal price for deck customizations for coins is 500 to 750 crystals with a few costing 150 the average price for card sleeves is between 750 to 1,250 crystals with a few costing 250 the average price for deck boxes is 250 with a few costing 100
as you can see other than deck boxes which I believe are priced fairly both coins and card sleeves have mostly gone up in price not including the fact that crystals have much more use and value than coins
overall I just think you need to either lower the deck customization prices by a lot or bring back coins.
Tl;DR other than deck boxes the price of deck customization have gone mostly up not including how crystals are worth more than coins
Essentially yes you're correct. Instead of listen to players wishes (even in christmas lol) they prefer to make players (especially new/casual players) experience harder.
But oddly enough that @TeshHug person still doesn't care about it because believes players don't care about deck cosmetics… go figure.