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Articuno EX + Misty [Turn 1] Insta-Win?

OverSeer909 Member Posts: 0

First off, sorry if this has been posted before. I have never posted here and this is the first time I'm using this forum, but wanted to shed some light on this [issue].

I was watching my gf play a match earlier today and an opponent put Articuno EX in their active spot and had Misty in their hand Turn 1. They flipped SIX heads. Now there's nothing wrong with that at all, except that they were able to attack as well. Unfortunately, she had no other Pokemon on the bench so she immediately lost the game.

Doesn't this defeat the whole purpose of the way the game is structured? I have played a lot of different TCG's and almost all of them don't let the turn 1 player attack immediately, even if they have the capability to end the game. I'm also not implying that Misty needs to be fixed either, but regardless of if the turn one player has energy on their active Pokemon to attack, shouldn't they NOT be able to attack?

If a rule was programmed into the game that the turn one player does NOT have the capability to attach energy turn one and Misty bypasses that, why is the turn one player also able to attack? The game probably would have conceded either way on turn 3, but it's odd that the devs already programmed into the game that the turn one player does not get an energy, therefore can't attack but Misty is completely bypassing that.

How is this not a glitch/exploit?


  • EmperorIkiru
    EmperorIkiru Member Posts: 28
    10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper Photogenic

    I would prefer the rules for going first to allow energy placement but restrict attacking until 2nd turn. For me personally Misty fails 9/10 and gives 0 energy. Both on mine or my opponents side. It's potentially a broken card in general but only the extremely lucky people ever get anything out of it. other cards are pokemon abilities are much more reliable and my water deck has no problem winning consistently with no misty. Even if you encounter a player who successfully does this the chances are that is their 1 winning game out of 10 games is highly likely!

  • EmperorIkiru
    EmperorIkiru Member Posts: 28
    10 Comments 5 Likes Name Dropper Photogenic
    edited November 2024 #3