PTCGL Bugs and Feedback

Greetings PTCGL community,
I am a passionate PTCGO player who has also been playing PTCGL for the last three months on my PC. Despite a few bugs, I have high hopes for the game and believe that it has the potential to become one of the best online TCGs out there.
I have noticed a few areas where the game can improve. For instance, I noticed that there seems to be no option to choose alternate versions of cards while using the draw/search function. For example, when I play Quick Ball, the game only allows me to select the Lugia V on top, even if I want to use the alternate arts. The same happens with Lumineon V's ability, where I can only draw the supporter that's on top and cannot choose the alternate art. This was not the case in PTCGO, and it would be great to see this feature added in PTCGL.
Furthermore, I have come across a few bugs that can be quite annoying. Although the bugs have reduced in recent times, there are still instances where the upward arrow (which indicates the cards I can drag into play) is shown on top of cards that I cannot actually play this turn or sometimes even shows up during my opponent's turn. Sometimes the arrow even shows up on my opponent's benched cards or even on their discard pile, making it confusing to know what cards I can play. Additionally, there are times when I cannot play a trainer card even though I go second and my opponent has no effect/ability/attack that prevents me from using a trainer.
I understand that the game is still in beta, but as a dedicated player, I believe these are crucial areas that the team should look into to improve the overall gameplay experience. I would love to see these issues addressed and resolved as soon as possible to make the game even more enjoyable.
Thank you for taking the time to read my feedback. I hope that my suggestions and bug reports will be taken seriously, and I look forward to seeing the game continue to grow and evolve.