Are people still playing XY?

I know they're old games now, for about 11 years since their worldwide release on the 3DS, but they still feel like today's modern games too, right? I enjoyed them a lot, with the introduction to real 3D graphics (and I'm not counting Stadium, Colosseum or Battle Revolution because they were spin-offs), gorgeous colours, Trainer customisation, Horde battles and best of all: Mega Evolution! = D
I chose X version because it looks more on the lighter side and with the cool deer-like Legendary Xerneas, telling by the boxart cover, of course. Y version's boxart design makes that one feel darker and depressing (just like Lugia's title screen of nocturnal shadow in Silver Version from GBC, over the bright and cheery Ho-Oh's title screen of a lovely blue sky in Gold), both the background and Yveltal on it. I know it's the same games though, always is for each Gen. XD ^^'
And since I'm talking about this topic in question, whether players are still into X and Y… Is there by any chance we can trade online, to finish the Pokedex (regular and National)? I would have thought the Wonder Trade feature could help to some extent, but tends to get me a lot of unwanted Caterpies and Weedles, that is. XO [laughs a bit]
Still, XY were very good and colourful 3D games, one of the best IMO! ;D I also chose Fennekin for its cute fox look (would it even be great seeing it as a definite Mozilla Firefox logo, too?! :O), and I chose Squirtle. Not Charmander though because he's Fire-type like Fennekin, even though it would be nice to have a 3D Charizard in action duking all the battles out with his cool dragonish style that I always seen and dreamed of. :D In actual fact, I was thinking about starting my X game all over again from the beginning, so I can pick Charmander than Squirtle at Lumiose City. It's been quite a long time since I last finished the game in 2014, and like wow, how quickly does the time in life go anyway?! >.< XD
So, there's some sad news- you can't trade online at all in XY now (thanks to Nintendo shutting down the 3DS internet earlier this year), which means that Wonder Trading, the GTS, and a lot more things are impossible to use now.
I still play those games pretty often though. They were so fun, the character outfits/hairstyles are still the best in Pokémon, the mini games like Poké Amie, PR videos, literally everything in Lumiose City, and more were so fun, the PSS is still the best implementation of online play in Pokémon (although the ability to talk with others using the shout things did result in some weird people using it), and honestly the Kalos region is still the most fun region to explore.
Even though they were rushed and unfinished, and even though the story wasn't really good and a lot of the characters are forgettable, they were definitely very fun games.
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I am doing a playthrough of X and am aiming to complete the national dex but… how can I complete it without trading? If trade evolutions weren't a thing then it would be possible but now I am stuck in a weird place where I need to either buy another 3DS for 300$+ or find someone to trade with. At least Pokemon bank is a thing and I can transfer mons from other titles to it (including Platinum through Transfer allowing for Steelix to be obtained).